Class Officers Are Elected


Buttram and Houston are Upper Class Presidents, Hubert Parley and J. T. Petty, Sophomore and Freshmen.     


     Paul Buttram was elected president of the senior class, Thursday, September 30, in the annual class election.  He is an outstanding student in class work and is a member of the state honor society.  Paul was a member of the cast of the Junior Play "Mechanical Man", in his junior year.  He is from Treece, Kansas.

 Clarence Houston was elected president of the Junior Class by a big majority. He is a member of the Tennis Club. He was secretary and treasurer of the sophomore class last year.  He was also a member of the Journalism Club last year.

 Hubert Farley was elected President for the sophomore class.  He was Freshman President last year.  He is a member of the band, the glee Club, and tennis club.

     J. T. Petty was elected President of the Freshman Class. ,

     Vivian Morgan was elected vice-president of the senior class, and "Tommie" Lucille Norton is vice president for the junior class.  Helen Nichols and Nadine Carrithers captured these offices respectively for the sophomores and freshmen.         

Ruth Mowry is secretary, "Tooter" Wood, treasurer and Naomi Chambers is publicity manager for the Senior class.

Billy Perry was elected secretary and treasurer and Maxine MacDonald publicity manager of the junior Class

   Dolly Hill is secretary and treasurer and Lucille Webb, publicity manager for the fresh. more (sic) class.

Imogene Smith is secretary and treasurer and Albert Dye is publicity manager for the Freshmen.
     Mrs. Pearl Bristow is sponsor of the Senior class; Miss Dorothy Swank is the Junior sponsor; Parley Conard, Miss Agnes Stairrett, and Miss Willie Nutt are the Sophomore sponsors .  Mrs. Edith Taylor; Leroy Hayman, Miss Jessie Ragland and Roy Hinds are the Freshmen sponsors


Clipping from an unknown newspaper source, but surely from 1931.